sexta-feira, 11 de abril de 2008


Sinopse: A 5.000 anos atrás, os grandes faraós jogavam um jogo de grande e terrível poder, o Shadow Game(Jogo das Trevas), com Monstros de Verdade e Magia. Porém esses jogos eclodiram em uma guerra que ameaçou destruir o mundo inteiro. Até que um bravo faraó trancou o poder da magia, aprisionando-as em sete místicas relíquias milenares. A história do anime acontece no tempo atual(ou seja, 5.000 anos depois). E conta a história de Yugi Mutou, um menino que é um grande jogador do Monstros de Duelo, um jogo de cartas que é mania em todo o país. Porém o quê ninguém sabe é que esse jogo é apenas a nova versão do Shadow Game. Um dia seu avô lhe dê uma caixa, e dentro dela há milhares de peças douradas de um quebra-cabeça milenar, de acordo com a profecia, aquele que consegui-se resolver o legendário Enigma do Milênio, seria o escolhido para salvar o mundo do retorno dos jogos das trevas. Quando Yugi consegue monta-lo, ele recebe poderes especiais, mudando de personalidade toda vez que duela no jogo, assim então é incorporado Yami Yugi. Porém Yugi só descobre isso mais tarde, no primeiro episódio da série Yugi duela com o campeão mundial de duel monster, Seto Kaiba, e vence invocando o monstro mais raro de todo o jogo, o legendário Exodia. Logo depois ele conhece Maximillion Pegasus, o criador do duel monster. Pegasus é o proprietário de uma das sete relíquias, o poderoso Olho do Milênio, e com seu olho milenar, pegasus sequestra a alma do avô de Yugi. O forçando a entrar no maior de todos os torneios de duel monster. E nesse torneio muita coisa acontece, como o descobrimento de outras relíquias, novos amigos, e grandes revelações. Mas a história não se desenvolve só no reino dos duelistas, após vencer o campeonato de Pegasus, Yugi entra em novos desafios, como o desafio da Batalhas da cidade que Kaiba irá criar, e durante toda a série muita coisa é revelada, como a confirmação de que o espírito do enigma do milênio é na realidade o espírito do antigo faraó, e que Yugi e Seto Kaiba foram grandes inimigos a 5.000 anos atrás.


TÌtulo: Yu-Gi-Oh! (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Formato: AVI
Qualidade: TV-Rip e DVD-Rip
Codec: XVID
Video: 640 x 480, 29 fps
Audio: 11.000 Hz, 31 kbps, Stereo
Duração Média: 20 min
Tamanho Médio: 200 MB
Total de episódios: 224
Idioma Audio: Português
Ripador: AntonioAdilson, dogmau, Oriente Animes, Yu-Gi-Oh! Master
Colaborador: dogmau, Zica_MaN Venon_Hollow e Roxman

Screen Shots

Episódios (1ª Temporada - 2001/2002)

001 - The Heart of the Cards - Megaupload: 01 - Megashares: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02,03
002 - The Gauntlet is Thrown - Megaupload: 01 - Megashares: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02,03
003 - Journey to the Duelist Kingdom - Megaupload: 01 - Megashares: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02,03
004 - Into The Hornet's Nest (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Megashares: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02,03
005 - The Ultimate Great Moth (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Megashares: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02,03
006 - First Duel - Megaupload: 01 - Megashares: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
007 - Attack from the Deep - Megaupload: 01 - Megashares: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
008 - Everything's Relative (Part 1 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Megashares: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
009 - Duel with a Ghoul (Part 2 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Megashares: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
010 - Give up the Ghost (Part 3 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Megashares: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
011 - The Dueling Monkey (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Megashares: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02,03
012 - Trial by Red Eyes (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Megashares: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
013 - Evil Spirit of the Ring - Megaupload: 01 - Badongo: 01 - Sendspace: 01 - depositfiles: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
014 - The Light at the End of the Tunnel (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
015 - Winning Through Intimidation (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
016 - The Scars of Defeat - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
017 - Arena of Lost Souls (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
018 - Arena of Lost Souls (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
019 - Double Trouble Duel (Part 1 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
020 - Double Trouble Duel (Part 2 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01
021 - Double Trouble Duel (Part 3 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
022 - Face Off (Part 1 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Sendspace: 01 - Badongo: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
023 - Face Off (Part 2 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
024 - Face Off (Part 3 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01
025 - Shining Friendship - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
026 - Champion vs. Creator (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
027 - Champion vs. Creator (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
028 - The Night Before - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01
029 - Duel Identity (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
030 - Duel Identity (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
031 - Keith's Machinations (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
032 - Keith's Machinations (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
033 - Best of Friends, Best of Duelists (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
034 - Best of Friends, Best of Duelists (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
035 - Yugi vs. Pegasus - Match of the Millennium (Part 1 of 5) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
036 - Yugi vs. Pegasus - Match of the Millennium (Part 2 of 5) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
037 - Yugi vs. Pegasus - Match of the Millennium (Part 3 of 5) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
038 - Yugi vs. Pegasus - Match of the Millennium (Part 4 of 5) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
039 - Yugi vs. Pegasus - Match of the Millennium (Part 5 of 5) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
040 - Aftermath - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
041 - The Wrath of Rebecca (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Sendspace: 01 - depositfiles: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
042 - The Ties of Friendship (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
043 - Legendary Heroes (Part 1 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
044 - Legendary Heroes (Part 2 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
045 - Legendary Heroes (Part 3 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02,03
046 - Dungeon Dice Monsters (Part 1 of 4) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
047 - Dungeon Dice Monsters (Part 2 of 4) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
048 - Dungeon Dice Monsters (Part 3 of 4) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
049 - Dungeon Dice Monsters (Part 4 of 4) -Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02, ,03

Episódios (2ª Temporada - 2002/2003)

050 - The Mystery Duelist (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
051 - The Mystery Duelist (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01
052 - The Past is Present - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02,03
053 - Steppin' Out - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02,03
054 - Obelisk the Tormentor - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
055 - Stalked by the Rare Hunters - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
056 - Yugi vs. the Rare Hunter (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
057 - Yugi vs. the Rare Hunter (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02,03
058 - Espa Roba - The ESP Duelist (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
059 - Espa Roba - The ESP Duelist (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02,03
060 - The Master of Magicians (Part 1 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02,03
061 - The Master of Magicians (Part 2 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
062 - The Master of Magicians (Part 3 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
063 - Playing with a Parasite (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
064 - Playing with a Parasite (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
065 - Mime Control (Part 1 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
066 - Mime Control (Part 2 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02,03
067 - Mime Control (Part 3 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02,03
068 - Legendary Fisherman (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
069 - Legendary Fisherman (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
070 - Double Duel (Part 1 of 4) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01
071 - Double Duel (Part 2 of 4) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
072 - Double Duel (Part 3 of 4) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02,03
073 - Double Duel (Part 4 of 4) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
074 - The Rescue - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
075 - Friends 'Til the End (Part 1 of 4) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
076 - Friends 'Til the End (Part 2 of 4) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
077 - Friends 'Til the End (Part 3 of 4) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02,03
078 - Friends 'Til the End (Part 4 of 4) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
079 - Shadow of a Duel - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
080 - Lights, Camera, Duel - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
081 - Let the Finals Begin! - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01
082 - The Dark Spirit Revealed (Part 1 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
083 - The Dark Spirit Revealed (Part 2 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
084 - The Dark Spirit Revealed (Part 3 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
085 - Rage of the Egyptian Gods - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01
086 - Awakening of Evil (Part 1 of 4) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
087 - Awakening of Evil (Part 2 of 4) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
088 - Awakening of Evil (Part 3 of 4) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01
089 - Awakening of Evil (Part 4 of 4) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01
090 - Mind Game (Part 1 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
091 - Mind Game (Part 2 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
092 - Mind Game (Part 3 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
093 - A Duel with Destiny (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
094 - A Duel with Destiny (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
095 - The Tomb-Keeper's Secret - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
096 - Showdown in the Shadows (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
097 - Showdown in the Shadows (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02,03

Episódios (3ª Temporada - 2003/2004)

098 - A Virtual Nightmare - Megaupload: 01
099 - Isolated in Cyber Space (Part 1 of 3) - Megaupload: 01
100 - Isolated in Cyber Space (Part 2 of 3) - Megaupload: 01
101 - Isolated in Cyber Space (Part 3 of 3) - Megaupload: 01
102 - Freeze Play (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
103 - Freeze Play (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
104 - Courtroom Chaos (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
105 - Courtroom Chaos (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
106 - Mechanical Mayhem (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
107 - Mechanical Mayhem (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
108 - Settling the Score (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
109 - Settling the Score (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
110 - Noah's Secret - Megaupload: 01
111 - Merger of the Big Five (Part 1 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
112 - Merger of the Big Five (Part 2 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
113 - Merger of the Big Five (Part 3 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
114 - Brothers in Arms (Part 1 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
115 - Brothers in Arms (Part 2 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
116 - Brothers in Arms (Part 3 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02,03
117 - Noah's Final Threat (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
118 - Noah's Final Threat (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
119 - So Close Yet So Far - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
120 - Burying The Past (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
121 - Burying The Past (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02,03
122 - Back to Battle City (Part 1 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
123 - Back to Battle City (Part 2 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
124 - Back to Battle City (Part 3 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
125 - The Darkness Returns (Part 1 of 4) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
126 - The Darkness Returns (Part 2 of 4) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
127 - The Darkness Returns (Part 3 of 4) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
128 - The Darkness Returns (Part 4 of 4) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
129 - Clash in the Coliseum (Part 1 of 6) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
130 - Clash in the Coliseum (Part 2 of 6) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
131 - Clash in the Coliseum (Part 3 of 6) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
132 - Clash in the Coliseum (Part 4 of 6) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
133 - Clash in the Coliseum (Part 5 of 6) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
134 - Clash in the Coliseum (Part 6 of 6) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
135 - Battle for the Bronze (Part 1 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
136 - Battle for the Bronze (Part 2 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
137 - Battle for the Bronze (Part 3 of 3) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
138 - The Final Face Off (Part 1 of 5) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
139 - The Final Face Off (Part 2 of 5) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
140 - The Final Face Off (Part 3 of 5) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
141 - The Final Face Off (Part 4 of 5) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
142 - The Final Face Off (Part 5 of 5) - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
143 - One for the Road - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02
144 - Looking Back and Moving Ahead - Megaupload: 01 - Rapidshare: 01,02

Episódios (4ª Temporada - 2004/2005)

145 - A New Evil (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
146 - A New Evil (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
147 - Legend of the Dragons - Megaupload: 01
148 - The Creator Returns - Megaupload: 01
149 - Deja Duel! (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
150 - Deja Duel! (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
151 - An Unexpected Enemy - Megaupload: 01
152 - My Freaky Valentine (Part 1 of 3) - Megaupload: 01
153 - My Freaky Valentine (Part 2 of 3) - Megaupload: 01
154 - My Freaky Valentine (Part 3 of 3) - Megaupload: 01
155 - The Challenge - Megaupload: 01
156 - Fate of the Pharaoh (Part 1 of 3) - Megaupload: 01
157 - Fate of the Pharaoh (Part 2 of 3) - Megaupload: 01
158 - Fate of the Pharaoh (Part 3 of 3) - Megaupload: 01
159 - Trial by Stone - Megaupload: 01
160 - On the Wrong Track (Part 1 of 3) - Megaupload: 01
161 - On the Wrong Track (Part 2 of 3) - Megaupload: 01
162 - On the Wrong Track (Part 3 of 3) - Megaupload: 01
163 - Self Destruction - Megaupload: 01
164 - Reliving the Past - Megaupload: 01
165 - Deck of Armor - Megaupload: 01
166 - Flight of Fear (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
167 - Flight of Fear (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
168 - Paradise Found - Megaupload: 01
169 - Fighting for a Friend (Part 1 of 5) - Megaupload: 01
170 - Fighting for a Friend (Part 2 of 5) - Megaupload: 01
171 - Fighting for a Friend (Part 3 of 5) - Megaupload: 01
172 - Fighting for a Friend (Part 4 of 5) - Megaupload: 01
173 - Fighting for a Friend (Part 5 of 5) - Megaupload: 01
174 - Grappling with a Guardian (Part 1 of 3) - Megaupload: 01
175 - Grappling with a Guardian (Part 2 of 3) - Megaupload: 01
176 - Grappling with a Guardian (Part 3 of 3) - Megaupload: 01
177 - A Duel with Dartz (Part 1 of 6) - Megaupload: 01
178 - A Duel with Dartz (Part 2 of 6) - Megaupload: 01
179 - A Duel with Dartz (Part 3 of 6) - Megaupload: 01
180 - A Duel with Dartz (Part 4 of 6) - Megaupload: 01
181 - A Duel with Dartz (Part 5 of 6) - Megaupload: 01
182 - A Duel with Dartz (Part 6 of 6) - Megaupload: 01
183 - Rise of the Great Beast (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
184 - Rise of the Great Beast (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01

Episódios (5ª Temporada - 2005/2006)

185 - Unwanted Guest (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
186 - Unwanted Guest (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
187 - Let the Games Begin! (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
188 - Let the Games Begin! (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
189 - Child's Play - Megaupload: 01
190 - Down in Flames (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
191 - Down in Flames (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
192 - A Brawl in a Small Town (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
193 - A Brawl in a Small Town (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
194 - One Step Ahead (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
195 - One Step Ahead (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
196 - Sinister Secrets (Part 1 of 3) - Megaupload: 01
197 - Sinister Secrets (Part 2 of 3) - Megaupload: 01
198 - Sinister Secrets (Part 3 of 3) - Megaupload: 01
199 - Tomb of the Nameless Pharaoh - Megaupload: 01
200 - Spiritual Awakening - Megaupload: 01
201 - Memoirs of a Pharaoh - Megaupload: 01
202 - The Intruder (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
203 - The Intruder (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
204 - Makings of a Magician - Megaupload: 01
205 - Birth of the Blue-Eyes - Megaupload: 01
206 - Village of Lost Souls (Part 1 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
207 - A Reversal of Fortune (Part 2 of 2) - Megaupload: 01
208 - In Search of a King - Megaupload: 01
209 - Village of Vengeance (Part 1 of 5) - Megaupload: 01
210 - Village of Vengeance (Part 2 of 5) - Megaupload: 01
211 - Village of Vengeance (Part 3 of 5) - Megaupload: 01
212 - Village of Vengeance (Part 4 of 5) - Megaupload: 01
213 - Village of Vengeance (Part 5 of 5) - Megaupload: 01
214 - Name of the Game - Megaupload: 01
215 - The Dark One Cometh (Part 1 of 5) - Megaupload: 01
216 - The Dark One Cometh (Part 2 of 5) - Megaupload: 01
217 - The Dark One Cometh (Part 3 of 5) - Megaupload: 01
218 - The Dark One Cometh (Part 4 of 5) - Megaupload: 01
219 - The Dark One Cometh (Part 5 of 5) - Megaupload: 01
220 - The Final Journey - Megaupload: 01
221 - The Final Duel (Part 1 of 4) - Megaupload: 01
222 - The Final Duel (Part 2 of 4) - Megaupload: 01
223 - The Final Duel (Part 3 of 4) - Megaupload: 01
224 - The Final Duel (Part 4 of 4) - Megaupload: 01
225 - Final - Megaupload: 01

8 comentários:

Unknown disse...

Muito bom, temporada completa em avi.
Esta de parabéns, irei vasculhar este blog, pois só este "achado" foi demais.

CG disse...

Eu gostei muito e estou baixando todos os episodios. Obg...

Unknown disse...

Vou ver se esta tudo bem porque ate agora todos que eu baixo dão erro essas coisas...

Unknown disse...

muito bom
espero q todos tenham dado certo

Unknown disse...

Não consegui fazer download dos epis 155,156,157,158,161,162,163 e 164. Alguém tem os links ?
Obrigado Marcelo

Unknown disse...

num da pra baixa do ep. 155 à 158 deem um geit plz

Unknown disse...

cara do ep 50 ate 145 pelo megaupload estao off arrume por favor vc fez um otimo post valeuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu demais

li disse...

Muito Bom esse blog. Achei aqui desenhos de minha infancia e queria agradecer!!
Também gostaria de pedir pra restaurar os links da 2ª, 3ª e 4ª temporadas do Yu Gi Oh que quero baixar pra dar de presente de Natal para meu filho.
Agradeço a gentileza